Get to know the leadership trainers
Mikael Jonsson

Tell us about yourself!
Together with my family, I spend a lot of time in Jämtland and our holiday home in the mountains. Skiing, hiking or a quiet moment in front of a fire; these are some of life’s highlights. Sports in general and football in particular are also major parts of my life.
I’ve spent my entire professional career in the IT-industry. Apart from two years in London, I’ve been working in Stockholm. Initially as a consultant and since 2005, as a manager of different types of businesses.
How would you describe your leadership experience?
Growing up, I never thought of myself as a leader but when I look back, I can see that the signs were obvious. Playing football I was the team captain in every team I ever played in. I have also been a coach for floorball youth-teams for almost 10 years.
Professionally, I have been a leader for more than 15 years. Leading people, teams and businesses is what I do. I have always been involved in leadership development and I’m experienced in leadership training.
What is “Great Leadership” to you?
Great leadership is not one thing, one style or one perspective. Truly great leadership is the ability to adjust your actions and communication to the situation, context and people. Leadership is a skill and can always be developed and improved.
Great leadership is always based on the drive and ambition to create prerequisites for others to perform over time. Great leaders are unselfish and undertake the role with the ambition to serve. Truly Great Leadership requires trusting relationships.
​What do you see as the benefits of having a personal leadership trainer?
As with all learning, there’s a gap between theory and practice. This is where the trainer truly adds value. With a leadership trainer you will get support and useful tips on how to transform your new knowledge into practice.
You will also have the opportunity to evaluate your actions and further improve your leadership.
What can one expect from you as a PT?
What are your strengths? What value will you add?
I’m passionate about leadership; the impact of the performance and wellbeing of everyone experiencing good leadership can not be overrated. As a PT I will contribute with my experience from years of leading and developing and supporting leaders.
I’m hands on, I.e I focus on concrete actions and the actual interactions between people.
You can expect to be challenged; both in terms of perspectives and to handle situations in new ways. Rhetoric, the ability to listen and my communication skills are my key strengths, combined with +10 years experience from working with Great Leaders, their tools and approach to leadership.