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Does it work?


How can one be sure that Great Leaders "will do the job"?


-A valid question!

The honest and simple answer is: you can’t be.


But what you can be sure of is our clients' testimonials - or as we prefer to call them: The Pioneers!

Without them, we would not be where we are today.

They are the ones constantly challenging us with bold questions, making us see things from new perspectives and holding our hands as we develop cutting edge services and products for future clients.. ahem.. Pioneers!



Paradox Interactive


The Paradox group consists of both the publishing and internal development of games and brands. Including subsidiaries, Paradox has more than 450 employees with a turnover for 2019 of 1,3 MSEK.


The largest markets today include the US, UK, China, Germany, France, Russia and Scandinavia. Today, over 3 million gamers play a Paradox game each month and the number of registered Paradox users exceeds ten million. 


Great Leaders has been working with Paradox since 2014. Our journey and experience together started with their management team taking part in our Fast Forward Formula. - which led to Great Leaders training over 700 Paradoxers in various modules covering different areas of the leadership experience.




F k a Claremont

Zington (formely known as Claremont) is one of the fastest growing and most successful companies within the Swedish consultancy industry. As a result of this growth, they have been awarded with Swedish prizes 'Di Gasell' 2013-2015, and 'VA Superföretag' in 2015 and 2016. 


Zington's mission is to lead their customers in the digital world, by offering expertise within Business, Technology and Experience.


Zington has identified leadership to be their biggest competitive advantage. Believing that when the individual grows, the company grows with that person. The call it 'Consulting made personal'


Great Leaders has been working with Zington since 2012 developing the management team and entire organization.Great Leaders has developed over 500 of Zington's consultants. 


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Appointed by:



Avega is an IT consultancy company helping clients succeed in their Digital Transformation. Avega has around 350 employees in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo and, since December 2017, has become a subsidiary of Tieto.


Avega offers leadership training to all their employees to strengthen internal leadership capacity as well as in client interactions. This is based on a belief that strong leadership capabilities are a prerequisite for any great and constantly developing workplace. This belief stems from Avega’s position as a specialist company taking on leading roles in their clients’ projects.


Great Leaders has been working with Avega since 2013. Since then, we have developed their management team and over 400 people at Avega. This is a long-term strategic partnership that covers all levels within the company. Together we enhance leadership capabilities and create a common language for leadership for the whole organization.



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