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Self Leadership

We believe that every great leader is a great self leader.

The amazing news: everyone can become better at leading themselves! 

To become good at self leadership you need to take full responsibility over how to become the most effective and productive version of yourself. You must transform your thinking from “That’s not my problem!” and “I can’t do that!” to “How can I solve this problem?” and “How can I learn how to do that?”. Waiting for everyone else to do all the work or solve all the problems is not the mindset of a Self Leader.

Great Leaders has three keys to make

you great at leading yourself:




We help you to know why you do what you do

To be able to lead yourself you need to know your purpose.


We help you to know yourself 

To be aware of your weaknesses and strengths is the best way to optimize and develop yourself in the best possible way. You need to get the tools to handle whatever obstacles in the way.


We help you to take action

And learn how to set (and fulfill) goals, intentionally influence your own thinking, take responsibility to develop yourself in the best possible way and use that information to thrive

Online - Self leadership


Lead Others

To be great at leading others you need to be great at leading yourself,

know how to interact with people and learn how to influence others in a trustworthy and emphatic manner (though it might be from a position of authority).

Great Leaders has three keys to make

you great at leading others:





We help you to understand your role

Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish management myths from reality, therefore it’s important not to act out of preconceived notions on “how a leader/boss is”


We help you to know yourself and others 

Your social skills are important in communication with other people and at the same time being aware of what signals you send out, recognizing your own blind spots. Building emotional intelligence to communicate effectively and understanding the motivations of colleagues is crucial when leading others


We help you manage others and yourself

Managing within organizational hierarchies Earning trust and building relationships Leading for long-term results

Online course - Lead Others


Team Leadership

To be good at leading, inspiring and motivating a team you need to..

To be good at leading, inspiring and motivating a team you need to..

To be good at leading, inspiring and motivating a team you need to..

To be good at leading, inspiring and motivating a team you need to..

Great Leaders has three keys to make

you great at leading a team:




We help you to understand the importance and learn the skills to facilitate a sustainable leadership


We help you to face your own challenges and at the same time see the possibilities connected to your role and the context in which you lead the team


We help you to learn the keys for how to make a team successful and how to avoid dysfunctional teams.



First Time Leader / Manager

It takes time to become a great leader, but with our help we can speed things up for you! As a new leader or a new manager there are certain things that you should know beforehand to be well prepared and feel confident in your new role. But there is also a lot of help on how to avoid the biggest mistakes (cause you will make mistakes).

Great Leaders has three keys to make

you great at leading others:





Get rid of the preconceived notions of what being a leader means and replace them with science based tools and information.


Thinking about what you communicate, with both words and body language


How to empower the individuals and the team in the right way

Online - Team Leadership
Online - First Time Leader


Leadership Training

tailored after your needs

We also offer our online courses or our virtual classroom courses in custom packages, tailored after your needs - combined with a personal trainer or together with lectures and workshops. 


Let's talk more in detail

Online - Tailored Training
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